A Spiritual Community
Where every individual is supported and encouraged to be their highest and best self.
It is a place where people come together in the spirit of love and support as they move toward a common goal of learning to stand powerfully in their divinity and greatness.

Personal development program (pdp)
An innovative, experiential learning process for those who are committed to the journey of self-discovery personal growth, and spiritual transformation.Ā Ā

Ministerial development & ordination (mdo)
Offering training and ordination to become a Minister of Spiritual Consciousness, which is not a religious order but rather a state of being and belief.

Spiritual life coaching (SLC)
An experiential program where you, the student, are your first client and are learning to make self-loving, self-honoring decisions where you desire to heal and transform.
Inner Visions is a teaching and learning environment
We teach how to live in alignment with universal law and spiritual principles in order to activate ability and capacity to heal, grow and make valuable contributions in life. In essence, we teach how to remember the truth of who you are.
Inner Visions is not a religious organization
We believe that knowing and understanding universal laws and spiritual principles is the path to personal growth, emotional healing and spiritual evolution. Persons of all religious faiths and philosophies are invited and welcome to utilize our services.
Inner Visions was founded by Iyanla & Gemmia Vanzant
What began as a monthly Newsletter offered for free at community gatherings and fairs morphed into a teaching institution in 1998 in Brooklyn, NY, that now offers a Personal Development Program, Spiritual Life Coaching Certification and Ministerial Ordination.
No matter what happens, how you hold it in your mind is going to determine if, when, and how you live it.

Aissa Hillebrand
"It’s been a gift to heal on an emotional, spiritual, physical and mental level as I walk on this path to be of service to others."

Rev. Valerie Love
"After making transformation after transformation,... the biggest gift from Inner Visions remains simply 'my presence is enough.'"

LaToya Davis
"Going through this experience ignited a fire in me that I can do anything that I put my mind to. The ... tools that I learned keep me anchored."